Did you know that depending on the month and date of your birthday there are signs that represent you and your personality? Intrigued? I would be too. Let’s go through them briefly and see how correct your sign is to your personality. There are 12 Zodiac Signs in total and each one is split into different categories called decan: earth, air, fire, and water.
Fire Signs

Aries – You are an Aries if you are born between March 21st and April 19th.
Aries are known to be natural leaders with a strong sense of self. These signs tend to be quick and impulsive with their decisions, which can lead to high highs and low lows.
Leo – You are a Leo if you were born between July 23rd and August 22nd.
Leos own the fire element through their warmth and compassion. These signs are known to be fun-loving party animals with the biggest hearts and a love for drama.
Sagittarius – You know you are Sagittarius if you were born between November 22nd and December 21st.
Sagittarius expresses themselves through their quick-wits, bravery, and attitude, allowing them to take in the not knowing. These signs offer an endless amount of optimism, are quick to jump from one thing to the next and are known to be free-spirited when it comes to nature.
Earth Signs

Taurus – You are a Taurus if you are born between April 20thand May 21st.
They are smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, they are also amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taurus value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships are drama free.
Virgo – You know you are a Virgo if you are born between August 22ndand September 22nd.
Virgo are known to be humble, very hardworking, and practical. They are also natural, kind, and sympathetic which benefits them most. They have a lot of mental energy for someone who is stressed and tense often.
Capricorn – You are a Capricorn is you are born between December 21stand January 20th.
They are known to be ambitious, disciplined, and pessimistic. When they have a dream, they tend to do anything to make it a reality. They see their biggest joy in life to be money.
Air Signs

Gemini – You know you are a Gemini if you are born between May 21st and June 21st.
Gemini’s are extroverted in life, have very clever thinking, and there’s never a dull moment with them around. They are also indecisive, impulsive, and unreliable.
Libra – You’re a Libra if you are born between September 22nd and October 23rd.
Libra’s are also extroverted and friendly people. They love peace and justice in the world, with the intelligence they hold they are in the place to help that happen.
Aquarius – You know you’re an Aquarius if you are born between January 10th and February 18th.
Optimistic in life, while everyone is jumping all over the place Aquarius will be there calm and collected.
Water Signs

Cancer – You know you are a Cancer if you are born between June 21st and July 22nd.
The good trait of a Cancer is that they are loyal, caring also protective they will care for you but also, they’re overly sensitive.
Scorpio – You know you are a Scorpio if you are born between October 23rd to November 21st.
Scorpio’s are known to be very secretive and discreet. They’re also known to be fearless and creative leaving your time with them filled with unknown things floating in the air.
Pisces – You know you are a Pisces if you are born between February 19th and March 20th.
Pisces are known to be emotional and sensitive in many ways, towards themselves and others. They will go through many things to make a friend happy and care for others.
Hope this helped you learn more about yourself and found this just as interesting as I did!